Getting ready for trick-or-treating with Cole and Audrey

Getting ready for trick-or-treating with Cole and Audrey
Eliza: "Yucky! P.U.!!"
Mommy: "What's stinky, honey?"
Eliza: "Me!"
Hey, at least she's honest!
OK, because I will never remember to actually write these things down in Eliza's baby book, I've decided to document Miss E's hilarious utterances right here on missy's blog. It's far more 21st Century that way, anyway. Two witticisms from this weekend...
Daddy: "Eliza, where do bees live?" (while looking at a picture of a bee hive)
Eliza: "Dallas."
Daddy: "E., where are you going?"
Eliza: "To the rescue!"
Hope you find these as amusing as we do! XO, Jackie
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