Thank you, Auntie Barb!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

How cute am I in this new t-shirt from Auntie Barb?

Mud Bath

We took out the pool for the first time the other day and Audrey and Eliza decided to turn it into a bit of a spa treatment.

Eliza's Dollies

Grandpa's Mini Me

Eliza reading, shirtless, at the dinner table...a la Grandpa Paul!

Happy Girl!

Willa and her best buddy, Mr. Bee

When our babies are fussy, we try walking or bouncing on the yoga ball.

Goofy Girl

Eliza never met a headband she didn't like!

We Chill

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mom and Dad seem to take a lot of pictures of
us in this position. Oh wait, Willa can't really do
much more than that right now.
I like to show Willa how to play with her toys.

The Blowout


I don't poop often, but when I do...

...I'm much more relaxed


Audrey has a headband on so I made my own.

Life Gone Crazy

Sorry for the lack of posts the last month...I've decided
to challenge Mom and Dad with a little colic each night.