Eliza loves to hijack the camera. We're thinking of buying her her own for Christmas...to protect ours, of course.
Eliza was such a big girl on her first day of preschool today! She did not even so much as whimper all day. Daddy dropped her off this morning and then Mommy and Willa picked her up at noon. When I picked her up, the first thing she told me about her teacher was, "Her changed my Pull-Up!" Apparently, that was a pretty exciting part of the day. Eliza is one of only two girls in her class of 12. I have a feeling that, by the end of a year with a class of 10 boys, E's repertoire of poop and fart jokes is going to be quite voluminous.
In other news, Miss Willa pushed herself up onto her hands and knees for the first time today...no small feat given her impressive girth. All in all, an epic day for the Schoknecht girls!
This is our attempt to take a family portrait for Eliza to bring to her first day of preschool on Wednesday.