Eli and Willa, Video Stars

Monday, June 29, 2009

Attack of the Killer Schoknecht Girls

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yes, that's mommy under there.

Sure, they look cute here, but you never know when they might snap!

Sleepy Mommy

Some mornings start a little too early around here.

Thug Baby

What are YOU lookin' at?

Can you help us identify this crazy, creepy bug we found on the front porch today? It was about 2" long with antennae included.

Update: Awesome Aunt Pat is working on this for us! We forgot...Uncle Bob is a bird guy, not a bug guy! Good thing we have such smart, talented aunties and uncles!!

The verdict: According to Aunt Pat, it appears to be a Giant Spine-headed Bug (Acanthocephala Diclivis)! How cool is that?! Thanks Aunt Pat!

We Have Veggies!

Quite possibly the world's cutest gardener

Cuke spotting


Cherry tomatoes

Giant tomato

The "newborn" edamame are so fuzzy and adorable!

Japanese eggplant

Not all is peachy in the garden, however...evil little caterpillars have devoured the leaves of our rutabaga plants, our pole beans have mysterious yellow leaves and we've given up on the cilantro. This was the second year we've attempted to grow cilantro but it just immediately goes to seed in this ridiculously hot climate. Maybe we'll give it another try in the fall.

Cute Kids, Pretty Fishies

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I couldn't resist posting a few more aquarium photos. These were taken by Jeffrey Neal...aren't they gorgeous?! By the way, we're not sure if Eliza is doing her best manta ray imitation or throwing gang signs.

A Tour of the Garden, by Eliza

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not surprisingly, Eliza finds the flowers much more interesting than the herbs and vegetables.

More Fun with the Neals

Seamus spent most of the weekend drenched in sweat.

The lovely and talented Miss Audrey Neal

Paul and Jeffrey running the children around the back yard in a failed attempt to exhaust them into an early bedtime.

Very much like the Kennedy clan, the Neal family has never turned down a rousing game of football on the lawn. Please forgive the trippy perspective, Eliza took most of the photos.

The Georgia Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the world. Now, don't you wish you lived here?

Kyle and Eliza looking like they've just been surprised by a giant whale shark.

Kyle and Audrey suffering from fish viewing fatigue.

Sneak Preview

Monday, June 15, 2009

We had an awesome and exhausting weekend with the Neals! In fact, I'm too tired to post a bunch of pics tonight, so I hope this suffices to tide everyone over until tomorrow.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!!

Daddy's awesome birthday cake designed by Eliza because, "Daddy is a really good baseball player."

Daddy blowing out a scented candle because Mommy spaced on the birthday candles.

Willa thinks Daddy can sometimes be very needy.

Two Goatees

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Both goatees are cute, but only one is made of delicious chocolate pudding.

Inaugural Picnic

Eliza has given the new picnic table a big thumbs up! Here she is, post-swim, enjoying a nice al fresco dinner.

New Garden Trellises

We finally got the trellises up on the garden beds to the great joy of the beans and zucchini which have been wandering aimlessly for weeks.

Have Sand, Will Travel

Paul built a little patio under the sandbox today, so we had to empty the sand into the wheelbarrow. Willa didn't let that little detail stand in her way. A girl's got to create.

Bathing Beauties

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Eliza often looks like this when Audrey has the hose.

Willa hanging out with her buddy Bryce.