Our first tomatoes!

Our garden is doing really well! Here we have tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, basil, red and white onions, scallions, rutabagas, marigolds and zinnias. We need to get the trellises up for the climbers this weekend.

Tomatoes, beans, tarragon, Italian parsley, thyme, lettuces, zucchini, cilantro, broccoli and strawberries.

Jalapenos, bell peppers, sage, rosemary, cauliflower, arugula, edamame, baby carrots and beets

We also have mint and lavender in containers.

Eliza's butterfly garden. We planted lantana and vinca and our wildflower seeds are just beginning to sprout. We'll keep you posted on any butterfly sightings!
How fantastic! Good job gardeners!
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