Happy 1st Birthday, Willa True!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our sweet peanut will be one year old on March 2nd! We had a little party for her today and, oh boy, did she enjoy the cake Mommy made!

More Birthday Fun

Willa loves her animals from Grandma Jan and Grandpa Paul!

Eliza and Audrey "helping" Willa open her presents

Eliza and Audrey also love Willa's animals.

Birthday hugs

Eliza trying out Willa's new rocking horse from Grandpa Jack and Grandma Penny

Pancake Belly!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Eliza showing off her belly after eating 6 banana pancakes!

Eliza channeling her great-grandpa "Papa Bob" by pulling her jammie pants up and over the aforementioned giant pancake belly.

Adriana and Willa sharing blocks and commiserating over the whole big brother/big sister thing.

Eliza telling Tomas something important about butterflies or princesses or ballerinas.

Tomas did a thorough testing of the Jumperoo and determined that it will definitely hold Willa...even if, for instance, she were to weigh as much as a giant 3 year old.

Family Game Night

Moving Rocks

We're in the process of moving all these rocks from one side of the house to the other so we can grow grasses here. Eliza has been a big help. Check out her huge muscles! Do you like our Volkswagen wheelbarrow?

Chilling with Daddy

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eliza: Fashion Risk Taker

Eliza's Wise Words for the Day

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I just said to Eliza, "I want to talk to you about potty training. What do you think about it?" To which she replied, "I think that it would be hard to pee-pee on your own head." She's got a point there.

Eliza: Singer, Songwriter

Monday, February 9, 2009

In the car on the way to the Botanical Garden yesterday, Eliza was singing a new song she made up. Here are the lyrics..."I love sushi. I love sushi. Sushi is my favorite. Even raw sushi."

Sleepy Girl

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This is all that was left of Eliza after a day of fresh air, playing on the swingset, collecting pine cones in the yard, riding bikes, taking a walk with Daddy, coloring with sidewalk chalk and digging in the dirt.

Spring Fever


Avocado Facial

Now you know the secret to Willa's baby smooth skin.

Willa "Crawling"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Willa finds it unnecessary to actually pick her butt up off the ground when crawling. I say she's going to be a swimmer. Daddy thinks she's ready for basic training.

Ballroom Dancing with Daddy, Two Girls and a Sock Monkey

Sunday, February 1, 2009